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Workshop - Roswell, NM – 1975 - Part 4 of 4

Roswell ‘75 – CD 4 of 4

...that's the simplest way of saying that.  In other words, if you say I'm going to try to get the house clean, the first little interference, you stop – the first Second Force, you stop.  But if you say I'm gonna clean up the house, what happens?

(It gets clean.)

It gets done.  If you say I'm gonna repair the roof, what happens? 

(It gets done.)

It gets done.  Now, if I said I'm goin’ to get rid of all these destructive ideas that we have looked at in the Picture of Man – I'm gettin' rid of the Four Dual Basic Urges as my guiding light of behavior, you know how long it takes them to be gone?  Right now, they're gone.  When you make up your mind, you've got it gone.  But you see we have never made up our mind to get rid of 'em – we have tried...diligently we have tried.  I was in a group of people the other day and a man said he was trying to mend his marriage.  So one of the guys sittin' over here in the corner said, "Come here."  And he laid a book on the floor and he said, "Now try to pick it up."  He reached over and picked it up.  He said, “Now, wait a minute, I said try to pick it up."  Well, this went on four or five sessions before the guy finally caught on that he either picked up the book or you just talk about it.  Now, if you make up your mind to pick up the book, what happens?  Just picked up the book with the body and moved it up, okay?  When I make up my mind that I'm not going to live with these destructive ideas any longer…I made up my mind one time I wasn't going to wait for Santa Claus to bring me a pair of roller skates.  If I wanted ‘em, I had to go buy ‘em, okay? 

(How about if you thought…I want something but you can’t see it…)

Well then, one would see them if one is practicing at either one of these things we’ve talked about, you're bound to see 'em.  If you're gonna practice, you're bound to see 'em, okay?  Now, if once you see 'em…I’m talkin’ about what you see.  Now, we talked about the means of practice that you can see them.  You'll find them if you're practicin’ even being a good guest or practicin’ not expecting 100% of things gonna be just like you wanted but 75% will be some Second Force, 25 will be okay.  You're gonna see 'em.  Now, once you see them, then you make up your mind that you are not doing that anymore – that you're not gonna live by that idea or let that thing run your existence anymore.  Now, I'm responsible for ever’ idea I accepted and live by.  Now, if I accepted it one time, I don't have to continue to accept it today, do I?

(Is there a difference between Seeing something with a capital “S” and making up the mind?)

I think they could go simultaneous.  I can't make up my mind about somethin' I haven't seen.

(It seems to me to see it…that once you see it, your mind’s made up.)

You can't make it up.  No, I think some people get scared of it.  I think we've all seen that I have false fears of half the population in the world or that I have a false fear of people with a certain colored skin or I have certain…the way they spell their name or what-have-you – all kinds of people have that.  And they see that they have it, but they haven't seen that they can get rid of it.  They say, “Well, I've always felt that way.”  In fact, they kind of want to keep it, I think. 

(When you see that it has no value, then you see it –)

When you see that that is no longer any value to you – in other words it is very detrimental to have that idea.  We can get it out.  That's like casting out demons ‘cause the idea that is destructive is a demon idea – if you want to use that particular terminology.  And you are quite capable of casting out ever’ demon in you as long as you can recognize the demon as a demon.  Now, if you feel that this is just something that you can slowly work with over a long period of time and maybe finally one day you'll wake up and it's not there, you'll just wake up disappointed every day.  It is something one makes up one's mind to.  In other words, if a man wants to make up his mind to quit drinkin’ excessive amounts of alcohol, he can so do.  But if he says, well, he's gonna do his best at it and try to get over it, he's still like one guy I know that it looks like he has a deformity – he has something growed in his hand that’s always got a hole in it and somethin' in it – you never see him that his hand isn’t occupied with a receptacle full of drink.  Now he's trying to get over it – in theory; but he has never made up his mind to let it alone, okay?  If you make up your mind you are going to do something, then all the power of the Universe goes to work on it.  And if you don't ever make up your mind and you're just gonna work on it; why, of course, nothin' ever happens.  If I make up my mind I'm going to go somewheres – you know, pretty soon you find yourself there.  Did you ever notice that? 


Right.  Now, if you make up your mind that you are now livin’ with ideas that worked very adequately for you the first two years of your life and been destructive ever since, guess about how long it takes to get rid of ‘em?  Now, you want 'em out, not buggin’ you and not botherin’ you, make up your mind:  this one I know is not a valid; it just worked when I was a kid.  In other words, when I was a little kid, my mother told me – I was more than two years old – but she really impressed it upon me that girls was the downfall of boys; and she kept me scared of 'em so I never had a date while I was in high school.  And somewheres along I looked around and I noticed that most of the guys gettin' along all right if they have a date and so when I made up my mind I'd get rid of that stupid idea and I've been havin' fun ever since.  (laughter)  Now, if I kept listenin', hopin that would go away, it would have still been there – you know it?  No, it's not goin' away until you see this is not accordin’ to my purposes.  This has nothin’ to my advantage involved in it.  I'm gettin' rid of this one – bang, goodbye…that was the last time I was scared of girls.  That was the end of my being scared of girls.  But, you know, I had a horrible fear while she had that laid on me.  But, you know, I was the one that was responsible – it wasn’t her…I couldn't keep her from passing it out.  But see, I was wantin’ to be non-disturbed and so I bought the suggestion – I bought it; the idea, she made that up.  And, of course she was lookin' after her interest and thought she was doing a great thing and all that good stuff.  I don't think she was doin' it, but it seemed all right.  But once I decided to get rid of that idea, it was gone, okay?  Bang, that’s it – I just hang it up – girls are nice people – real nice people.  They're pretty people, too.  Very interesting other guests at the party, and I'm glad the Host invited ‘em because I would find it very boring if he hadn't invited 'em.  And, of course, I was runnin’ from all His lady guests there for quite a while while mama had that little story laid on me.  Did you ever have that story laid on you Darryl? 

(Not quite that way but, you know, I felt all the anxieties and guilt and so on that went with it.)

Well, I never had any guilt ‘cause – you know, everything is gonna be guilty – I figured out how to do that when I was six years old:  go do it twice more.  (laughter)  No sweat on that.  But it's fear, plain fear that they would just destroy you – they was gonna be your ruination.  Mama laid that on me hard and furious, okay?  Did you ever have that laid on you, David? 


Yep.  (laughter) 

(I thought all I was doing was telling him, "Hey, go out and get a date and get outta here.”)

Well, I know, but you told him – somebody laid one on him there that they’d bite him if he didn't just toe the line and say the right thing, they would “em-bare-ass” him.  You been scared of that, haven't you, David?  Huh?  How many dates did you have last week?


None, that's what I thought.  Why? 


Mmmm…they're frightenin’ to you a little bit, is that right?

(Ummm –)

One way or another.


That you just may not be what they was lookin’ for or they might think you was just not up to snuff, is that right?


Well, make up your mind that you're more than up to snuff, okay?  ‘Cause whatever you make up your mind to is what happens – that happens to be the greatest power in the world.  And only ideas prevent us from making up our mind that we get caught with 'em – we say you fall in love with it, you believe the durn thing all your life, you believe it to be insurmountable – you believe it's real.  And once you see that this idea is the limitation and that only I am responsible for the ideas I've accepted and I have no other limitations, really – except that I can see that and make up my mind I'm not livin’ by that dog no more because I can change ideas like I can change a shirt or socks.  Can't you?


Brother Jim?  Can't you change ideas just like you change shirts?

(Sure, but you gotta launder 'em now and then.)

Can’t you?  I don't even bother to put 'em back on, I just throw 'em away.  When I get through with an idea I'm through with it – wad it up and throw it out.  I throw it in the rag barrel.

(That's one of the things we have dominion over.)

It is one of the few that we have the possibility of having dominion…most of ‘em have never taken...we let it have dominion over us, is that right?  And I read in a great book that it grieved the great powers that be to see that servant in the place of the master.  And ideas are servants – they're to be used as long as I want 'em and kick 'em out when I'm through with 'em – I don't even have to give 'em attention.  And when you let one of those run your life in the ruse of a slave, then the servant’s in the place of the master because it's up to us to see what ideas I'm gonna use this week, this day.  And I don't want any of those things that keeps me limited, makes me feel frightened and makes me feel nervous, keeps me scared, makes me sick – I don't want none of those, they're old dogs – throw 'em out.  Now, they may have been useful to me 20 years ago or 40 years ago or 50 years ago.  They're of no use to me today, hmm?  Any idea may be useful at one time or another, but they sure outgrow their usefulness very “ra-pid-ly.”  And when it's outgrowed to me and it begins to be a source of annoyance, then the servant is in the place of the master and it's time he got throwed out – be fined for insubordination – right quick.  But he sure gets the barbs into you, right there – took over.  So all ideas are something we can have dominion over – we have the potential of doing it if we but raise up and do it.  We can kick it out, throw it away, through with it, or we can put another one in and use it.  Now, we have two sources of ideas available to us – all of us that's here.  We have all the conditioned ideas, which are no longer of any value to us, and we have ideas from Teaching, which has a value for survival.  Now, if you want to annoy people why pick up one of those out of the rain barrel.  Have a look and see – and you can sure have fun with it – some of you have never bothered with that.  It demonstrates real well...not all work.  Okay, questions, comments?  Do you want any idea to keep rulin’ you that no longer serves a purpose other than to annoy you? 

When you were a little kid and you could live in town, no doubt your parents told you, "Thou shalt not cross the street without an adult with you."  Hmm?  Well now, wouldn't that be a mess to still be livin’ by that?  (laughter)  Now, it was very necessary and essential when you were up to a certain age if you lived in the city, right?  You would tell your little ones that, wouldn't you, Judy?  But you don't expect to do that all your life, do you?  But I know people that can't cross the street unless somebody’s goin’ with ‘em – they just get shaky and go to pieces to look at all that traffic out there ‘cause they have never gotten over that idea yet.  Now, no doubt when you were little, most of you (especially the girls) were told don't ever take anything from a stranger.  You sure outlived that a long time ago didn't you, Ann?  You don’t turn 'em down just because you're… ‘cause you’re not a little girl anymore; but it was a long time ago, the right thing to do.  Okay?  Everybody's a stranger to us ‘til we get to know ‘em real well, so obviously you got to talk to ‘em every once in a while.  Okay?  Questions, comments?  Okay, we're going to take a few minutes break – about 15 and then we're gonna have round table discussion until you're through and when you quit I'm gettin' up and leavin'.  As long as you want to keep it goin' I'll stay for a while, okay? 

Now, we're just gonna sit down and talk ‘cause we’ve covered the material that one can use and be totally liberated from control by conditioning – isn't that really about what it's all about anyway?  So, you have it.  Now, we're willing to discuss it, talk about it any way you see fit; but it has to be down to – if you want a personal application to yourself, that's what we'll talk about and maybe somebody else in the crowd has had exactly the very same thing and can be of great value to you, possibly more than I would be ‘cause maybe I never did have that particular one.  I had more than my share I thought and they made so much noise, I had to study.  It wasn't because I just chose to; it was because it was an absolute necessity – a matter of life and death.  My necessity was increased to the point where I couldn't put it off any longer so I had to get with it.  But I may not have had the same one you did, but we'll all talk about the ones – the personal applications of what we've talked about today will be our session.  So if you want to kind of gather your viewpoints together in the next 10 minutes and if you want to write it down, feel free to write it.  Well, we will all get with it and discuss it – not only me but everybody else, okay?  We're gonna talk about these things from a personal application – that’s when it gets down to the nitty gritty of you, anyway.  Isn’t it, Ann?  When we find out how Ann uses it.  That's what we're gonna work on.  Write down your personal application.
[Note:  There was no more recording, so the taped workshop portion ended here.}
[End of CD 4 of 4 – Roswell ’75]